IRON AGE history is a bloody business, and the history of the kings of Israel and Judah is no different. This week’s Old Testament study looks at transfers of power — somewhat less than peaceful — in the generation following Ahab and Jehoshaphat.Continue Reading

THE EARLY church had to deal with a number of heretical teachings. In his gentle style, John counseled believers to love one another, to recognize false teachings, and to test the spirits, because not everything that manifests from the supernatural realm is from God.Continue Reading

A NEW cave has been officially designated at Qumran, site of the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls, for the first time in more than 60 years. This is an extended interview recorded at SkyWatchTV with two of the men involved in the dig, archaeologist Dr. Aaron Judkins and forensic architect Bruce Hall.Continue Reading

THE CONCEPTS of holy ground and cosmic geography are behind most of the stories in today’s Old Testament study. As we saw in the life of Elijah, God often did things to teach a lesson and/or send a message. In this case, it was the clear message that Israel belongs to Him.Continue Reading

SPIRITUAL WARFARE and the sin of the Watchers are the focus of this week’s New Testament study. Peter and Jude were in accord with the letters we read this week, and there is a lot of meat in these four short chapters.Continue Reading

FAITH AND perseverance are at the heart of today’s New Testament study. We conclude the remarkable Book of Hebrews with a discussion of the Old Testament patriarchs who were accounted righteous because of their faith. Then we move to Paul’s second letter to Timothy, in which he exhorts the young man to keep fighting the good fight.Continue Reading