Apparently, there is a scheduling conflict.  So no radio interview this morning.Continue Reading

I’ll be Robby Dilmore’s guest this morning on Kingdom Pursuits on the Truth Radio Network. Listen live at 10AM Central Time (UTC -6) by clicking here.Continue Reading

You’ve heard the story about Elijah and the prophets of Baal. But why did it happen on Mount Carmel? As with everything God does, there were reasons.Continue Reading

There wasn’t just one “Baal” in Old Testament times. God even condemned Israel for “whoring after baals” (Judges 8:33). So which Baal did Yahweh challenge on Mount Carmel?


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Know your enemy! Those gods worshipped by pagans in the Bible? If God calls them gods, maybe you should consider the possibility that they’re real.Continue Reading

Know your enemy! Those gods worshipped by pagans in the Bible? If God calls them gods, maybe you should consider the possibility that they’re real.Continue Reading

It’s actually buh-AWL, with a glottal stop (like uh-oh). But however you say the name of the Semitic storm-god, he and his followers have been a problem for God’s people for the last 4,000 years.Continue Reading

HEZEKIAH WAS a better king than any since David, and better than all those who followed. He repaired and restored the Temple, reinstituted the worship of Yahweh, and tore down the high places devoted to Baal and Astarte (not just in Judah, but in Israel, too).Continue Reading