Amorites, Rephaim, and the Seed of the Serpent
The Rephaim were apparently mighty kings, like Og of Bashan. But was Og mighty because he was a giant or because his kingdom was literally the entrance to the underworld?Continue Reading
The Rephaim were apparently mighty kings, like Og of Bashan. But was Og mighty because he was a giant or because his kingdom was literally the entrance to the underworld?Continue Reading
What did God mean when he told Abraham his descendants would return from Egypt in the fourth generation because “the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete”? Moses made it clear to readers in his day. But because we don’t know history, we miss the point.Continue Reading
ISAIAH PROPHESIED the fall of Babylon before it had risen. At the time of the prophesies we read this week, Assyria was still the dominant power in the ancient Near East, but the phrase, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon,” was revealed to the prophet anyway.Continue Reading
Joel Richardson publicly warned in November that Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s ties to Turkey made him a poor choice for National Security Advisor. The Deep State media has finally noticed because it’s a convenient club to bash the president.Continue Reading
Not only is there plenty of evidence that the Hebrews were in Egypt, the Egyptians knew about the giants the Israelites would have to fight for the Holy Land.Continue Reading
You’ve been told Abraham came from Ur of the Chaldeans. Wrong. He was Semitic, not Sumerian.Continue Reading
The fight for Israel was personal to Jesus. And the Bible shows you where and how he kicked the old gods off his land.Continue Reading
They mean well, but Christians celebrating the newly translated tablet from ancient Babylon are mistaken. Contrary to the report by the Smithsonian Channel, the tablet is not evidence of the existence of the Tower of Babel.Continue Reading
I was honored to be the guest of Carl Gallups on his radio broadcast Freedom Friday last week.Continue Reading
Mark it down: Armageddon will be fought at Jerusalem. The long war is for control of God’s holy mountain, and that’s Mount Zion — the Temple Mount. And Jesus named the enemy.Continue Reading
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