SOLOMON’S WISDOM is legendary, and to the extent it is recorded in the Bible, it is also divinely inspired. This week, we begin our study of the Book of Proverbs.Continue Reading

Forty years ago, I’d never have guessed that I would define a fun Saturday night as one where I found fascinating nuggets of information in scholarly papers published in obscure academic journals.Continue Reading

The Fed opted not to raise its key interest rate yesterday.  If it had raised the rate, the economy almost certainly would have tanked before Election Day. Of course, Fed chair Janet Yellen had to defend herself against claims by Donald Trump that she’s keeping rates artificially low to pumpContinue Reading

Watching Hillary’s new TV spot didn’t convince me to support her, it made me want to vote against all the Republicans in the ad. And I don’t live in any of their states.Continue Reading

KING SOLOMON and his ascension to the throne in Jerusalem is the focus of our Old Testament study this week.Continue Reading