Hold on, it’s coming!
We got word today that the truck bringing The Great Inception from the printer is on the way. It should get to the warehouse by Friday or Monday latest. Thanks for your patience!Continue Reading
We got word today that the truck bringing The Great Inception from the printer is on the way. It should get to the warehouse by Friday or Monday latest. Thanks for your patience!Continue Reading
Looking at the values of our modern society, it’s no stretch to say that Inanna–Ishtar, Aphrodite, or Venus, if you prefer–is the spirit of the age.Continue Reading
The Hear the Watchmen Conference was a great success. It was an honor to speak to the gathering, especially as I was able to share some of the moving prose Sharon created for her forthcoming series of novels.Continue Reading
Looking at the values of our modern society, it’s safe to say that Inanna–Ishtar, Aphrodite, or Venus, if you prefer–is the spirit of our age.Continue Reading
This was a surprise: My new book The Great Inception is the #1 New Release at Amazon’s History of Politics and Religion category today.Continue Reading
TWO OF our favorite guests return to discuss a fascinating topic. Anthony Patch and Doug Woodward discuss their new DVD, CERN Decoded, that examines the true purpose of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN — serving as a high-tech key to open the Abyss.Continue Reading
This is of no consequence whatsoever in the real world, but it’s nice to see the grass greening up and know that baseball is back for another season.Continue Reading
MANY OF us take a futurist view of end times prophecy as a given (including your host), but it ain’t necessarily so. Brian Godawa joins us to discuss his new novel, Tyrant: Rise of the Beast, a fictional account of the events behind the writing of the Book of Revelation.Continue Reading
PROPHESYING DURING a time just before a calamity has to be one of the worst jobs ever. Isaiah was called to be a prophet during a visit to the throne room of God, but his orders were to make sure the people of Judah didn’t listen to God.Continue Reading
THE FIRST six seals are opened in our study of Revelation this week. Bearing in mind that the meaning of these seals has been debated for 2,000 years, we offer our best understanding of the images and prophecies recorded by John.Continue Reading
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