Iron sharpens iron
PROVERBS OF Solomon copied at the direction of King Hezekiah are the focus of our Old Testament study this week.Continue Reading
PROVERBS OF Solomon copied at the direction of King Hezekiah are the focus of our Old Testament study this week.Continue Reading
FROM THE Nephilim to the Large Hadron Collider, reality has always been a lot stranger than most of us imagine. In this wide-ranging conversation, we bring together for the first time all four co-authors of the new book Revising Reality: Anthony Patch, Gonz Shimura, Josh Peck, and Doug Woodward.Continue Reading
PAUL TRAVELED to Rome in A.D. 60, but not the way he would have wanted. Getting a ride on an Alexandrian grain ship, Paul and his traveling companions ran aground at Malta where they spent the winter before completing the journey to Rome.Continue Reading
There are plenty of opinions about the Rapture, and there is a lot of unnecessary confusion and division among believers. Pastor Billy Crone discusses his new book The Rapture: Don’t Be Deceived.Continue Reading
PRAISE THE Lord! That’s the theme of the Psalms in today’s Old Testament study. We examine a half dozen psalms of praise and find divine council language, making it clear that the psalmists knew that other (small-G) gods existed.Continue Reading
PAUL RETURNS to Jerusalem in this week’s study, in spite of warnings from believers from Asia to Judea that he would be arrested and possibly killed. But Paul already knew that.Continue Reading
The numbers tell a tale of a Balkanized nation.Continue Reading
We’ve been given back our republic — if we can keep it.Continue Reading
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