WE TEND not to be alarmists when it comes to Christian persecution. Christians have had a pretty good run in the United States over the last couple centuries. But things have shifted in recent years and it’s starting to get ugly.

Click here for the show notes and mp3 for the latest PID Radio.Continue Reading

CHRISTIANS IN the Middle East are literally under the gun. Senior Pentagon strategist LTC Robert Maginnis, author of the new book Never Submit, lays out the dangerous implications of the radical shift in the region. Click here for show notes and the mp3 file of the interview.Continue Reading

Bill Maher has it easy tonight. He basically read the headlines and his audience loved it.Continue Reading

The emerging story about NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal is almost too bizarre to believe. The president of the chapter in Spokane, a freckled, blue-eyed blonde as a child, has been passing for African-American for years.Continue Reading

Dr. Michael Lake invited me to be a guest on his excellent program, Kingdom Intelligence Briefing, a couple weeks back.  I allowed myself to get distracted by a shiny object and forgot to link to the show.  You can hear it here.Continue Reading