We’re making progress, at home and at work! Our short-term lodgings are comfortable, and we’ve finally got a functional temporary audio studio up and running at the SkyWatchTV offices.Continue Reading

Comments about the Islamic State by members of the Obama administration over the past week or so confirm that they are so blinded by their Marxist bias that they can’t see what’s right in front of them.Continue Reading

Diplomatic language is one thing. Avoiding what everyone can plainly see is another. Bending over backwards and rewriting our history is just kissing up.Continue Reading

A transhuman future is exactly what Hitler, Himmler, and the National Socialist Party in Germany tried to achieve seventy years ago.Continue Reading

Did the Reformers rewrite the Bible to be anti-Semitic? A new film, Let the Lion Roar, claims that they did. If only we had manuscripts that pre-date the 16th century to know whether this conspiracy is true!

Oh, wait–we do.Continue Reading