Customs and Border Protection ordered agents in the San Diego sector to release most single adults who’ve entered the US illegally, contrary to President Biden’s claims about his executive order on immigration last week.Continue Reading

UN officials claim that Israel’s rescue of four hostages from Hamas terrorists violated international law because at least 100 Palestinian Arab civilians were killed—ignoring the fact that civilians were present because Hamas placed the hostages in private homes.Continue Reading

The weekend rescue of four Israeli hostages who’d been held by Hamas terrorists for eight months was met by a big “but” from corporate media and foreign governments, who are increasingly prone to make excuses for Hamas hiding behind civilians in Gaza.Continue Reading

The 2024 presidential campaign is about to take an ugly turn as Democrats frantically try to shore up fading support among black voters. A hint at what may come: Rumors have reemerged about video of Donald Trump using a racial slur.Continue Reading

The guilty verdicts in Donald Trump’s hush money trial mark a new low in American justice. Going forward, every president of the United States will be haunted by the specter of political prosecution the minute they leaves office.Continue Reading

THE WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY is set to pass a package of amendments to the International Health Regulations that makes the World Health Organization, at least on paper, an unelected global government.Continue Reading